Mark Balazsik

Mark Balazsik

Specialist areas

Postural correctionWeight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and development


Level 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal TrainerFirst Aid at work

About me

Hi, I`m Mark!

I spent a huge chunk of my life eating unhealthy and avoiding any physical activities. As a result I have been severely overweight and it made me feel terrible being in my own skin, up until that moment when I decided to finally put my feet into the gym for the first time ever and keep one serious goal in my mind: “I want to change my life for the better!” As soon as I started to notice the little changes in my body, inside and out, I simply fell in love with exercising, being active and all the benefits that comes with it. Increase in mood, feeling more energetic and better sleep quality are just a few of those advantages that I got to experience soon after exercising become a crucial part of my everyday life.

After years of training, I decided to start studying seriously about fitness and nutrition to be able to keep improving myself and to have the required qualifications and knowledge, so I can share my experience with others, help them acquire all the benefits of a healthy life and to get the body they want and feel happy to live in day by day.

I am a Personal Trainer who keeps you motivated even on those days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, - yes, it happens to everyone every now and then, we are all humans at the end of the day – pushing you to and beyond the limits you think you have and makes you too! fall in love with the journey that leads you toward your goal, because enjoying your trip forward is the only way to stay disciplined and consistent until you reach the destination.

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