We've made it really easy to freeze! Head here and follow the simple instructions.

The Core and Off-peak memberships allow you to freeze for up to 3 months within a 12-month period for £6.99 per month, whereas the Plus membership allows you to freeze for free for up to 3 months within a 12-month period. After those 3 months, Plus members can continue to freeze for £6.99 per month.

The 3-month period begins from the first month that you freeze and the freeze will start on your next payment day. Please ensure that you apply the freeze at least 4 working days before then.

If you want to come back to us sooner, you can! You just need to log back into your Member's Area and unfreeze your membership. This may mean there is a small amount added on to your next payment to cover the days in the gym for the rest of that month.