Jaz's Lower Body Workout

Posted on Friday, July 12, 2019 in Workouts by Body Part Legs & Glutes Workouts & Exercises Student Fitness Tips


Sculpt and tone your legs and glutes with this beginner-friendly lower body workout using only three pieces of equipment you can find in your gym.

Created in collaboration with PureGym’s Harley Booth, Fitness Expert.


REPS: 10 SETS: 3-4 REST: 2 mins

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold a kettlebell in front of your chest with palms facing each other. Sink into your hips until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Drive your hips up to return to the starting position. Keep your back straight at all times.


REPS: 12-15 SETS: 4 REST: 30 secs

Stand with your feet hip width apart and slight bend in the knees, holding a kettlebell in front of you. Engage your lats and push your hips back whilst keeping your back straight and the kettlebell close to your body. Return to standing, keeping the weight in your heels.


REPS: 12-15 SETS: 2-3 REST: 2 mins

Fix pin to desired weight. Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and lie face down with the pad on the lever on the back of your legs. Curl legs so your heels moves towards your glutes. Pause. Slowly bring the legs back to starting position.


REPS: 10 SETS: 2-3 REST: 2 mins

Find a step box in our fitness studio where we host classes.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart on a step box. Brace your abs and lunge one foot forward, bending your front knee about 90 degrees. Your back leg should be bent with your heel off the floor. Drive through the front heel to extend your knee and lift your body back up to starting position.

After you've completed the workout, don't forget to spend some time cooling down and performing some light stretches.

Need more leg day inspiration? Get the best exercises for thighs here

Find more member workouts here. You can also find more ab workouts to try here.