Emily and Donna's buddy abs workout

Posted on Friday, July 12, 2019 in Workouts by Body Part Abs Workouts & Exercises


Grab a friend and complete this ab workout together! You can try this in the gym or at home. All you need for this ab workout is a medicine ball and 2 mats.

Created in collaboration with PureGym’s Harley Booth, Fitness Expert.

Medicine ball sit-ups

REPS: 10 SETS: 3 REST: 1 min

Grab a medicine ball and lie on the floor with feet flat on the floor. Have your partner lie down facing you, interlacing their feet with yours. At the same time as your partner, squeeze your abs to perform a sit-up, then pass the medicine ball to your partner. Lower your shoulders slowly back to starting position.


REPS: 10 SETS: 3 REST: 1 min

Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Have your partner lie down facing you, interlacing their feet with yours. At the same time as your partner, squeeze your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor then tap your hand to your left ankle, then tap your right hand to your right ankle.


REPS: 10 SETS: 3 REST: 1 min

Start in high plank position with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core and glutes. Place one elbow on the mat. Then the other elbow. Place your right hand on the mat and then your left hand on the mat and straighten both arms to get back to starting position and clap your partners hand.


REPS: 10 SETS: 3 REST: 1 min

Start by sitting on the floor next to each other with your back straight, chest tight and core engaged. Lift your legs slightly off the floor. Tap the medicine ball on the floor beside you, bring the medicine ball across your body and pass to your partner.

Don't forget to take time to cool down with some light ab stretches.

Find more member workouts here.

You can also find more ab workouts to try here.