Pure Gym Limited

Mona Alkayyal

Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor

Mona is a Personal Trainer at PureGym Nottingham Castle Marina, and is also a yoga teacher and Pilates instructor. Mona became passionate about fitness after losing 40kg in 2020.

"I totally relate with people who want to lose weight and the struggles that come with it in terms of eating behaviours and becoming more active.

Therefore, I am on a mission to get people fall in love with moving their bodies and fueling it with nutritious food!"


  • Level 2 Gym Instructing 
  • Level 3 Personal Training 
  • 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training
  • Level 3 Mat Pilates
  • Graduate Diploma in HRD
  • First Aid
  • Psychological First Aid

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Yoga For Cyclists

Here PureGym PT, cyclist and yoga instructor Mona Alkayyal shares how the practice of yoga can enhance cycling performance and overall well-being.

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