PureGym Insider Story: Peter

Hey, I'm Peter I am 26 and have been working for PureGym for 4 years now. I am passionate about team sports and love going to the gym. My journey with the gym began when I was at uni and it wasn't until I helped my family learn about getting fit that everything came into prospective about the importance of a healthy active lifestyle.

I have always loved playing sports, but I never really got into going to the gym until I went to Uni. After learning about health and fitness and helping my family lose weight, my mother discovered a lump that she would have not otherwise discovered. It turned out to be a life threatening illness that she fought off in part down to her healthier and more active lifestyle. So for me now, the reason I workout is to make the most of my health and live a full active life.
Training for me is like therapy I just need to do something or I go crazy. I don't have any particular training style or methods, I like to mix it up and get a session in whenever I get the chance.
If I am honest Monday to Friday I do follow a very strict plan, but that's so I can be a lot more relaxed on the weekends. I am partial to a pizza on a Sunday night and after all it's about balance and living your life to how you want to and doing what works for you.
I have a pretty hectic schedule so I have to plan ahead and look when the best time to train is. I do jump in with my clients too which really helps me out.
I would have to say ‘Alphalete’ they aren’t that well known but all their stuff is really suited to my shape and how I want to look in the gym.
Enjoy your training or you won’t do it.
Keep an eye on your food as you can’t out work a bad diet… trust me I’ve tried.
No one is watching you in the gym!
Follow Peter for training and fitness tips at @peterpuregym
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