Nicki Bex

Nicki Bex

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Specialist areas

BoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 Fitness InstructorLevel 3 Personal TrainerMetabolic circuit trainingGym based Boxing

About me

I got into fitness after the birth of my children having put 2 stone on in weight i decided enough is enough. I joined a local gym and started doing a lot of cardio and fitness training, the weight started to fall off, however like most people my weight started to plato. I then realised that I had to integrate strength and conditioning into my workouts in order to achieve my optimum goals. This is when my passion for health and fitness started to take off. I soon realised that to achieve my goals I needed to have a structured and consistent training programme blending cardio, strength and conditioning along with a nutritional balanced diet. Within a 12 week period I had completely transformed my body and fitness levels beyond whatever I could have imagined. It was then I decided that I wanted to help others achieve their goals and become a Personal Trainer. As a Personal Trainer I want to tailor an enjoyable bespoke workout for all my clients, in order for you to enjoy coming to the gym to achieve your fitness, weight loss, strength and conditioning goals. This will not only help you physically, but it will also help you mentally. Don't wait for Mondays to start your journey contact me today and do not delay!

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