Drew  Kiely

Drew Kiely

Specialist areas

BoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceBody fat reduction


Level 3 Diploma in Personal trainingLevel 3 Health TrainerLevel 2 Nutrition Adviser

About me

I have a wealth of experience training for more than 30 years; Which has included training in many different modalities such as rowing, running, weightlifting - through to Yoga, Pilates and Calisthenics (body weight training).

Working out should never be something we dread but a bold decision to better oneself - to become a little bit better than the person we were yesterday.

Fitness is a journey and although the destination is what can inspire, motivate and enthuse us - the things we can learn about ourselves along the way can empower us for a lifetime.

Health is in many ways the new wealth and true fitness can never be bought - only ever earned. What we put in is what we get back and this can literally be the food we put into our bodies or the hours we put in at the gym.

I will help demystify working out for you and equip you along the way with the skills and knowledge to become the best version of yourself – and the confidence to hold your own at the gym.

So… If you want to take your fitness journey to the next level in a non-judgmental, person-centred way - I will give you 100% in helping you achieve your dreams.

Contact me