Personal trainers at Cambridge Leisure Park Gym
Personal Trainers
George Henderson
Weight lossStrength and conditioningMuscle tone and developmentJack Challen
Weight lossMuscle tone and developmentNutritional guidanceJack East
Weight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionLucas Reali
BoxingStrength and conditioningInjury prevention and rehabilitationSaffron Carey
Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentSam Sherwin
Persistent motivationNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentSamuel Dakin
Body fat reductionMuscle tone and developmentSascha Bauer
Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody confidence