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Saffron Carey

Hi, I’m Saffron


As a dedicated certified personal trainer and nutrition

coach, my mission is to empower women to feel

comfortable in the gym, confident in themselves, embrace

their inner strength and achieve optimal health through

personalised fitness programs and expert nutrition


With a strong belief in the of power living a balanced

lifestyle I am committed to helping my clients cultivate a

realistic, sustainable and long lasting approach to health

in both; physical fitness, and in having a positive

relationship with food and nutrition

Together, we can unlock your transformative journey

toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lifestyle,

where you won’t have to give up the things you love to

feel the best version of yourself. Through tailored workout

regimens that are suited to you and your schedule,

mindful coaching, and evidence-based nutritional advice,

together we can shape the way you view exercise and

nutrition into something that adds to your life!

With a personalised approach, knowledge, guidance,

motivational and emotional support, accountability, goal

setting and progress tracking, whether you’re a beginner

or advanced I can help you throughout your fitness


If you’re ready to discuss your goals and how you can get

your glow please drop me an email to book a free



Instagram: @saffroncareyfitness


Specialist Areas

  • Bespoke plan
  • Body confidence
  • Body fat reduction
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Persistent motivation
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Weight loss


  • Level 2 - Fitness Instructing
  • Level 3 - Personal Training
  • Level 4 - Nutrition for Weight Management and athletics performance