Back To The Gym: The PureGym Re-Induction

Welcome back! Since January 6th, we've missed our members and are so excited to have you returning back to our gyms across the country. Starting with England on April 12th and with our Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland gyms following, we're ready to welcome you back into a COVID-safe environment, purpose built to help improve your health and reach whatever goals you have set for the rest of 2021.
However, we are mindful that it's been a while since we last met, and have seen that Google searches in just the last two weeks for 'how to get fit' have rocketed by some 170%! So, to help you ease into life at the gym, whether you're a new member or old, we've created a dedicated Re-Induction to help. From getting accustomed to the surroundings of the gym again, to dealing with nerves and getting started with some workouts -- we've got you covered. Simply read on for returning to the gym!
Back to the gym
Following the first lockdown in March 2020, we developed TrainSafe, a complete reconfiguration of all of our gyms to ensure an environment that is good for your health in every way. This includes socially distanced workout areas for everything from the treadmills to the free weights, in addition to extensive and frequent cleaning, self-cleaning stations and contactless entry via the free PureGym app. See for yourself as our Leeds City Centre North gym manager Josh talks you through what you can expect when entering one of our gyms for the first time (or at least the first time in a long time!)
We understand just how important, especially in a post-COVID world, being able to be comfortable with your surroundings is, especially if you've just joined us. With that in mind too, and to make this a true re-induction to the entire gym, you can now take a virtual walk through some of our gyms at your own pace, helping you become accustomed with the surroundings before your first session! We've included some examples below and as you can see, we make sure our gyms are all uniform with equipment and specific areas, such as free weights, functional and cardio, easily available. All so there's no surprises whether you're in a PureGym Glasgow, Bristol or any other!
Preparing For Your Return To The Gym
We've loved seeing how vocal our members have been about getting back into the gym and know many of you will be itching to get back to deadlifts, the squat rack or an exercise bike. However, having been out of the gym since January, it's worth easing yourself back into things. Our fitness expert Beth Trueman has shared some tips on getting back into the swing of things below:
- Start increasing your daily activity: For most of us, the past few months may have been less active and exercise fuelled than they usually would have been, meaning that returning to the higher intensities you were once used to, may result in muscle soreness (widely known as DOMS). So that this soreness doesn't hamper your return, start increasing your daily activity ahead of your return, or alongside your trips to the gym.
- Give tempo training a go: In addition to upping your daily activity, adding tempo training to your home workouts can add an extra challenge to your reps. Be it a squat or a press up, slowing down the rep (especially when lowering the weight) means the muscles being worked will spend more time under tension and in turn increase the intensity of the workout.
- Stretch! There's a reason pretty much all pro athletes stand by a good stretch. Incorporating more stretches into your day will help keep your muscles active and play a big role in injury prevention. Essential when back in the gym.
- Be patient: Most importantly, after three months out of the gym, its highly likely that you won't be able to work out at the same levels as before, and will need to build back to it gradually. To avoid injury, patience is essential. Drop the weight, intensity and take it easy to begin with. It'll all come back with time and before long you'll be back to those high intensity workouts!
'What's a Workout Again?' - Back To Fitness
While you might have had a fine-tuned workout regime before COVID came along, after a year of lockdowns and restrictions, it's totally normal to feel out of sync, and like you need a little help. Searches for 'gym workouts' over the past two weeks have exploded by some 629% in the UK, and we hear you!
That's exactly why we've created this online Re-Induction for all members, and are here to make sure your transition out of lockdown is a healthy one. Need a refresher on how to use a treadmill, cross-trainer or rowing machine? Read our gym machine set up guide. Been searching yourself and are in need of a workout or two to kick things off? Our free workouts section is filled with great ideas to hit different areas of your body; however, we've included a couple of ideas below to get you started!
The Back To The Gym Full Body Workout
This kettlebell full body workout will target your entire body and is designed to help you get stronger while improving fitness. All you'll need is a kettlebell and a bit of space. A great choice for your first session back in the gym!
- Kettlebell sumo squats. Complete 20 reps. Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
- Kettlebell single arm swings. Complete 20 reps. Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
- Kettlebell side lunges. Complete 20 reps. Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
- Kettlebell press & tricep extension. Complete 20 reps. Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
- V sit russian twist combo. Hold for 40 seconds. Rest 1 minute. Complete 3 sets
Beginners Legs Workout
With many of us working from home and not getting as many steps in as we once did, it's time to show your legs some love. This barbell workout for lower body targets your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves so it's a great lower body blast. Just grab a barbell and a step and you're good to go.
- Squat and back lunge combo: 10 reps x 3 sets
- Romanian deadlift: 12 reps x 3 sets
- Bulgarian split squat: 20 reps x 3 sets
- Hip thrusts: 20 reps x 3 sets
- Calf raises: 12 reps x 3 sets
Ready for your return? Discover the PureGym nearest to you and get started today. Be sure to download our app for contactless entry and for even more free workouts. We're looking forward to seeing you!